Friday, December 11, 2009

Thinking About Giving A Pet As A Holiday Gift? Please Think Again

A pet – whether it has feathers, fur, fins, or scales – is a long term commitment (or at least should be). Sure, they can be great company but there are so many factors to consider that the ultimate decision of bringing a companion home should only be made by the person who will have ultimate responsibility for it. Definitely that decision shouldn’t be a surprise or a moment of spontaneity.

Adults should think through their lifestyle, and whether they have the time and patience for a new animal – and what animal would be best suited as a match. Parents need to realize that while their kids may be pushing for a pet, the reality is the parents will most likely be caretakers. Not to mention that kids grow up and get busy with other activities.

If that’s not enough to think about, also consider that the holiday season is generally a very hectic month. It may not be the most ideal for devoting extra time to acclimate a new animal.

So you’re still thinking a pet would be a great gift. Well, can I get you to compromise. Petfinder has a really great Pet Promise Certificate that you can give instead. Giving the certificate allows you to give a pet, but with time to think through the decision carefully first. (You pay the adoption fees and the recipient selects the pet) What an awesome idea!

Here are some other ideas: consider books or videos on a particular pet, or try the idea of a new pet out first as a foster owner. In the Cincinnati area, Circle Tail is a great place to contact for dogs. For a list of shelters in your area offering foster opportunities, please click here.


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